Improved Drug Searches and Annotations

The Ligand Summary Drug Info widget lists and links to corresponding data from DrugBank (when available), including DrugBank ID, drug name, groups, brand name, descriptions, and more.

PDB-101 offers downloads of a poster and a flyer called How Do Drugs Work? that explore different kinds of protein-drug structures found in the PDB archive.
Drug and drug target data from DrugBank ( have been integrated with the RCSB PDB website.
The simple top bar search can find generic and brand names of drugs. For example, type Zoloft into the simple top bar search to find the related Ligand Summary page.
The Ligand Summary page links to entries containing Zoloft and provides summary information about the drug. The Drug Info widget on this page lists and links to corresponding data from Drugbank (when available), including DrugBank ID, drug name, groups, brand name, descriptions, and more.
DrugBank 3.0: a comprehensive resource for 'omics' research on drugs. C. Knox, V. Law, T. Jewison, P. Liu, S. Ly, A. Frolkis, A. Pon, K. Banco, C. Mak, V. Neveu, Y. Djoumbou, R. Eisner, A.C. Guo, D.S. Wishart (2011) Nucleic Acids Res. 39:D1035-41. DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkq1126