New Website Release

Explore query results through four different views: detailed, condensed, image gallery, and timeline.
New and enhanced features have been added to the RCSB PDB, including:

The new Protein Feature View provides a graphical summary of UniProt sequence features and their relationship with PDB entries.
- The Protein Feature View provides a graphical summary of how a sequence
from UniProtKB corresponds to PDB entries. The view loads annotations
from external databases, models from the Protein Model Portal, and more.
This feature is launched from the Molecular Description widget found on
Structure Summary pages. View an example Protein Feature View launched from PDB entry 2vx3 here.
- Simple Macromolecule Name Searches from the top menu bar have been improved. Searches now cross-reference polyproteins and multi-component proteins with PDB entities based on alignment and residue ranges from UniProtKB. For example, a search for "Gag-Pol" suggests retrieving all Gag-Pol polyprotein structures or those for a particular component (protease, reverse transcriptase, integrase, etc.)
- Drug and drug target data from DrugBank have been integrated with the RCSB PDB website. The top bar simple search suggests generic and brand names of drugs. A Drug Info widget on the Ligand Summary pages lists the corresponding data from Drugbank (when available). The widget contains DrugBank ID, drug name, groups, brand name, and more, with links to the corresponding DrugBank data.
- To help users browse search results, new options have been added. In addition to the original results browser, now called the "detailed view," we have added a condensed view, a new gallery view, and a timeline view. The views are synchronized; selecting or deselecting a structure in one view will have the same effect in the others.
- External links to AtlasCBS have been added to the Link tab for Structure Summary pages. AtlasCBS is a web server to map and explore chemico-biological space.