Tour the PDB with Drill-down Pie Charts

Users can tour the PDB archive by "drilling down" on significant properties of structures such as Organism and Polymer Type with just a few clicks. This example shows the path to the EC distribution of structures from humans. Clicking on any link returns the structures that match all selected parameters. This feature is available to navigate through all search results and for the entire PDB archive.
Standard characteristics of PDB entries--resolution, release date, experimental method, polymer type, organism, taxonomy--are used to create searchable data distribution summaries.
The Explore Archive widget on the home page provides a quick statistical overview of the PDB. Browse the charts individually, or view them all together by clicking on the "Show all" link. Clicking on a pie chart image will display a more detailed graphic that lists the percentages for the categories shown. Selecting one of the listed results will launch the corresponding structures in the Query Results Browser.
Data Distributions also appear at the top of the Query Results Browser, and can be used to view a quick statistical overview and to refine the results into subsets of interest. For example, users can drill-down these faceted search options to quickly access high resolution entries from a structure type search; human-related entries from a sequence search; or most recent entries returned from a chemical component search for a particular ligand. Any combination of categories is possible.
These charts can be hidden from the query results for users who want to only view the individual entries.
Data distribution summaries can also be used to explore the latest weekly update of PDB entries.