Smart Searching with the Top Bar Suggestion Box

Enter text in the top search bar to quickly find structures based on author, macromolecule name, sequence, ligand, and more.
The top menu bar recognizes particular types of syntax, such as SMILES strings and sequences, and suggests related search options accordingly.

Simple text searches complement other RCSB PDB tools: the Explore Archive widget provides browsable data distribution summaries, Browse Database explores the PDB archive using different hierarchical trees, and Advanced Search combines multiple searches of specific types of data.
The top search bar helps users easily and intuitively create simple text searches.
Typing text in the top search bar launches an interactive pop-up box that suggests possible matches that are organized by categories ranging from author name to ontology terms. The top search can be also be limited to quick searches on Author, Macromolecule name, Sequence, or Ligand by selecting the related icon.

The top menu bar recognizes particular types of syntax, such as SMILES strings and sequences, and suggests related search options accordingly.
Using these categories helps to quickly differentiate between possible search results.
For example, autosuggestions for the input bird include authors whose names contain "bird" and structures from the organism bird.
Users who want to perform a simple, non-categorized text search can click the magnifying glass icon or press return.
The top menu bar also recognizes particular types of syntax. Entering SMILES strings will suggest options to perform substructure, exact structure, or similar chemical structure searches, while typing in a sequence will offer different BLAST search options.
Simple text searches complement other RCSB PDB tools: the Explore Archive widget provides browsable data distribution summaries, Browse Database explores the PDB archive using different hierarchical trees, and Advanced Search combines multiple searches of specific types of data.