Exploring Structure Quality
Structure Summary pages for X-ray crystal structures provide access to validation information based upon the recommendations of the wwPDB X-ray Validation Task Force:
- The "slider" graphic displayed on the page gives an indication of the quality of the determined structure as compared with previously deposited PDB entries using several important global quality indicators
- The full PDB Validation Report PDF, which contains the slider graphic and other information to provide an assessment of the quality of a structure and highlight specific concerns (visit the wwPDB for more information)
- A new PDF report containing Ramachandran plots created using MolProbity (version 4.02b). Ramachandran plots provide an independent method to evaluate the conformational quality of protein structures, and offer a visual representation of any outliers tabulated in the Validation Report PDF. For more information about MolProbity, see Chen et al. (2010) Acta Cryst D66:12-21.
Previously, Ramachandran plots were located on the Structure Summary Geometry tab, which has been retired. Additional validation data and statistics are available from the Structure Summary Links tab, including reports by WHAT_CHECK and PROCHECK.

Ramachandran plots for entry 1cbs as created by MolProbity.