Looking at Structures: A Resource for Learning About PDB Data

(Click image to enlarge)
Electron density maps are used in determining molecular structure; from "Looking at Structures".
Using text, images, and interactive Jmols, Looking at Structures intends to help researchers and educators get the most out of the PDB archive. Broad topics include how to understand PDB data, visualize structures, read coordinate files, and be aware of potential challenges in exploring the archive.
A Table of Contents appears on the right side of every page so at any
time users can access the individual pages: Biological
Assemblies, Dealing
with Coordinates, Methods
for Determining Structure, Missing
Coordinates and Biological Assemblies, Molecular
Graphics Programs, Resolution,
and R-free, and Structure
Factors and Electron Density.
at Structures is linked from the General Education section of the
left-hand menu as Understanding
PDB Data.