Contact Scientific and Customer Support
Whether you are looking for a particular PDB structure, need help using any RCSB PDB feature, or just want to let us know how we are doing, RCSB PDB wants to hear from you. All questions and comments will receive a response in a timely manner.
Depending on your question, there are three separate customer service systems:
Are you a depositor releasing or adding a citation to your OneDep entries? Contact us using the Communication page inside your deposition session.

Are you a user with a general question about structure deposition and validation or question about the release, correction, or citation update of a particular entry?

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Help | Website FAQ | Glossary[email protected], is an open electronic mailing list for questions and discussions with the PDB user community about protein structure analysis and related topics.
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Questions on medical matters, the biology of particular proteins, and detailed software advice are not within the scope of our services, although some information may be found in this list of external links.